Creating SAP BODS Repository

By | January 2, 2017

For a BODS developer creating a repository should be the first step because before having one repository for yourself you cannot actually login to designer and start working on jobs. So in this tutorial we will see how to create BODS repository using Data Services Repository Manager. Creating and making the repository accessible will include a couple of steps listed below.

  1. Create a BODS Repository Using Repository Manager
  2. Configuring Repository in CMC
  3. Adding Repository to Job Server

Creating a BODS Repository using Repository Manager

We have read about different types of repository in BODS in the article : Understanding SAP BODS.
In this post we will create a local repository.

Step 1 : Navigate to Data Services Repository Manager

It is usually available at Start > SAP Data Services 4.2 > Data Services Repository Manager

BODS Repository Manager

As stated in the article Understanding SAP BODS repository is nothing but database table which holds user created and system defined objects, so while setting up a repository we need to decide which database we are going to use for it and hence the next step is to provide the database details to repository manager.

Step 2 : Choose repository type and Input database details

In this article we will use MS SQL Server as the underlying database for our repository. Make sure you have a dedicated database for repository so that you don’t mishandle it which might corrupt your repository.

BODS Repository Creation

once you have inserted all the database details click on “Create“, and the box at the bottom will start showing some logs, and once it is done it should appear something like below screenshot.

BODS Repository Creation Log
Configuring Repository in CMC

Once the repository is created via Repository Manager our next task is to configure it in Central Management Concole (CMC). To do this we will again have some set of steps.

Step 1 : Login to CMC portal and navigate to Data Services

Once you are logged in to CMC portal you can navigate to Data Services using the top left drop down or the link at the bottom of the page.

BODS Repository Configuration 1

Step 2 : Click on Configure Repository

BODS Repository Configuration 2

Step 3 : Provide all the database details

Make sure you use the same DB name used earlier while creating a repository from Repository Manager.

BODS Repository Configuration 3

Step 4 : Test Connection and Save

If the details provided are all correct the below popup should appear.

BODS Repository Configuration 4

Once the connection is saved you can view your repository in the list.

BODS Repository Configuration 5

Now the repository is configured in CMC and will be available in the list while the user logins the designer.

BODS Repository Configuration 6

The repository can be used now to create datastore and jobs, but you will not be able to execute these jobs because the repository is still not added to job server.

BODS Repository Configuration 7

Adding Repository to Job Server

Job Servers are usually maintained by the admin team and you might not have access to it, but I will give you an overview of how it is done.

Step 1 : Navigate to Server Manager Tool for Data Services

BODS Repository Job Server Configuration 1

Step 2 : Under the Job Server tab choose Configuration Editor

BODS Repository Job Server Configuration 2

Here you can add new job server or view any job server and add repository to it.

BODS Repository Job Server Configuration 3

Once you see the Job Server details you can add your repository to it by providing the details.

BODS Repository Job Server Configuration 4

Once it is done you can see the job server related to it on the bottom.

BODS Repository Job Server Configuration 5

So this was all which is required to make your repository up and running.
Now the repository is all ready and we can move ahead in creating jobs now.

2 thoughts on “Creating SAP BODS Repository

  1. Ahmed

    Dear Subhan,
    We have one local repository during installation , now need to create developer user specific repositories , database is mssql 2016 , do we need to create database and logins in sql server , before creating user specific repositories ?


    1. Shubham Saxena Post author

      Hi Ahmed,

      Ideally we should have multiple database for each user, as each repository will have its own metadata.
      You can alternatively enable multiple logins in a single repository but that is not recommended.



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