TCS Campus Drive 2013 Batch: My Experience

By | October 15, 2012

Date of Drive : 12-13th Oct, 2012

Venue : Hindustan College of Science and Technology, Mathura

Appearing for TCS was fun, as it was the first company in our college so was full with enthusiasm. I would mention that all the rumors that say that the aptitude test is hard this time are actually true. The level of aptitude question are different this time, some of them are so lengthy that before attempting the question you will think 5 times shall I attempt it or not. The major topics they covered in aptitude test were Time and Work, Statements, Reasoning and Probability.

Tips: Do not go in the first slots of aptitude tests, wait outside and ask students about the aptitude questions they are getting and prepare those questions because in the end you will get almost all the repeated questions. Never forget to check for the latest aptitude papers, the questions which came in my test were updated on on the same day morning (I checked them after I gave the paper ). And the ones who say R.S Agarwal is of no use don’t trust them, brush up your skills with R.S Agarwal.

Technical Interview: Apart from the 2-3 subjects you prepare as your favorite or major subjects, you should have sound knowledge of Operating System and Database Management System. It doesn’t matter that you are from Mechanical, Chemical, Electronics or any other branch they have high technical requirements this time. Sometime they ask silly questions also like :

  • What is the difference between Activa and Bike ?
  • How satellite is made ?
  • How pen works ?
  • How is the data refreshed ? (some of them answered by pressing F5 and to my surprise he was impressed.)

Some technical questions included :

  • What is sealed class in ?
  • What is friend function ?
  • Types of JOIN in DBMS ?
  • Simple pattern programs ?
  • TRY and CATCH block

Tips: Do not try to fool the interviewer if you don’t know the answer simply say “Sir, I haven’t prepared could you please ask me from these topics”. It doesn’t gives a bad impact but in this case be ready for high level of questions on the topics you mention.

e.g In my interview he asked me any experience with database I said have done some SQL queries but in his assessment form he mentioned DBMS and started asking me questions from DBMS, I tried my level best to answer as many questions as I could but then I said “Sir in DBMS I have done SQL queries only”, no problem he said but then the query he gave was not the normal SELECT or UPDATE query, he asked me to write the query for INNER JOIN. Same happened with me in C and JAVA, I frankly told him I’m much comfortable with C as I studied CORE JAVA in my first year of B.Tech.

MR Interview: This interview was completely focused on the summer industrial training, they expect you to speak about your project as much as you can, I explained my project for about 20 mins (I told him the things which were not implemented in my project). Be ready for the common question in MR round i.e What are your strength and what are your weakness ?

Tips: Be loud and clear and confident about your project, this interview tests how much you can speak, he will ask you to start your project and will not ask you to stop, explain him as much as you can.

HR Interview: This was the easiest of all, I would mention here that HRs from TCS are very sweet, they are polite while talking and never stress you. A female took my HR interview and she was very sweet, I don’t know I impressed her or not but she surely impressed me, firstly she made me feel relaxed then our interview started. You must have a long intro ready for yourself. Learn TCS values, mission, goals, vision and all the things mentioned about them on recent news. Try to gather knowledge about TCS as much as you can.

Tips: Always have an eye contact, match up to the pitch of the interviewer. Few general questions include, your strength, are you adaptable, ready to work on different locations. This will be the easiest one trust me.

At the starting I thought my technical will be the best and HR will be so so, but it went totally opposite. Finally got selected feels good I’m a TCSer now. Hope this helps you. Best of luck.

If anyone wants sample interview questions and aptitude questions from my campus drive questions, mail me at

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