Giveaway for Cloud Computing Fans (those who hate IRCTC)

By | June 19, 2012

I have always heard my friends talking about shifting IRCTC to cloud computing specially from my MSP friends, last Monday I had a meeting with Executive Director of computer wing in RDSO (Research Design and Standard Organization), he needs a presentation on how cloud computing can serve better. I’m planning a giveaway for the one who helps me in this.

The goodies to be won are:

  • Microsoft Cloud Computing T-shirt.
  • Authorization to various Microsoft Software (DreamSpark Keys).
  • T-Shirts from PHP fan club.
  • Goodies and t-shirts from various sponsor partners.
  • And a bumper giveaway which may include a Windows 7 Ultimate Edition.

There are simple steps which you can follow to make yourself eligible for these giveaways, the more steps you follow more are the chances of you winning and of-course creativity will be another aspect. Steps you may follow are :

  • LikeĀ author Shubham Saxena on facebook.
  • Follow me on twitter @shubham0987.
  • Share this post (fb group, pages, blogs etc).
  • Create a PPT on how cloud computing can improve IRCTC , what are its benefits and how it overcomes the present scenario. This presentation should be informative and include all the source from which the data has been taken if any. (this ppt is to be mailed at
  • At last leave a comment here.

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