Use Anyone’s Face As a Facebook Chat Emoticon

By | December 26, 2011

Custom Emoticon
Facebook is like a trend changing, Now through Facebook chat we can use anyone’s face for Emoticon instead of using normal smile, sad, hurrah etc… the friends face will be come from their profile pictures.

Here is the way to do it, It will look very simple just in few steps.

Go to anyone’s profile, official Page, or event that you want to use as an emoticon.

Now just look at the url bar, you will find their username or their profile ID, The last thing will be their username example : here the “” is the profile name
copy the username or number in double brackets like [[]],
Now paste that in to Facebook chat or in the message field their faces will appear as the emoticon.

P.S : Till now Facebook has only one custom smiley, :putnam:

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